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Angles to think about when looking to study as an adult   

For many people the start of a new year is a time for reflection. It is about setting goals and asking questions about how to make yourself a better person. For many one of the inevitable answers that surfaces, is the idea that studying further is a great way to improve. And it is true. The more qualifications a person has the more employable they are. And in eth event that you are already employed then having an additional qualification behind your name is more ammunition in the bag for when you are pushing for a raise or a promotion. But where to study and what to study are the big questions. As much as you want a worthwhile degree most people can’t afford to stop working for a year or two in order to study full time. Here are a few thoughts or tips to help you navigate your way in the event that you are looking to learn more.

Make the internet your friend

Studying by correspondence or online is often a great solution. It is something that means you can study in your spare time and it also means that you can find a course that is perfect for you. If you are somebody who is working then you will be limited to institutions like night schools, colleges or universities that are in your area – and the courses that are on offer might not be what you are looking for or have the reputations or credibility that you want. But a quick internet search for something like, ‘diploma of human resources online’ will quickly provide you with a showcase of all the options available – and there will be plenty. Suddenly finding the one that works for you in terms of content, price and quality is a breeze.

Set small goals

Studying doesn’t have to be about major degrees and qualifications, it can also be about upskilling yourself in certain key areas. It might be something as simple as doing a course in speed typing or public speaking. These might just be a seminar or two or maybe something more involved. They won’t necessarily give you a string of letters behind your name, but they will give you confidence and the results will almost certainly be noticed by the people you work for and with.

Going all out

For some the idea of going all out, quitting the job and studying fulltime is an attractive option. If this is something that really appeals to you then spend some time at the bank and find out what sort of student loans are available for you. Unless you have saved up a significant nest-egg you are going to have to find a way to fund your studies and to live at the same time, and a student loan is generally the way to do this. Remember, that if you do go for this option, especially if you have been working for a while, that you are taking a risk – unless of course your employers are sponsoring your study and there is a job guaranteed for you on your return.